"I look at all kinds of things and actually see why they want to be closer... Just my sense of how pieces fit together in my left brain. Every object has a place it wants to be.  I just help them connect.  Well that's what I am doing now.  Perhaps that will change.  When I look at a large piece of marble I see something inside (right brain?).,. I just help it emerge...     Long story"


" I believe art is an expression of one’s passion."

Art should elicit an emotion, a memory, wonder, awe... even perhaps fascination.


For almost 50 years I've been creating and collecting art. I began sketching as a child and have always been fascinated with nature.. I learned scrimshaw and took pleasure in the tiny details of each design, so much so that I briefly considered a career in hand engraving. Instead I trained as a Graduate Gemologist and focused on jewelry design, and developed a passion for gemstones. In my 30s, I studied marble sculpture and to this day am compelled to reveal something hidden in the stone by the use of simple tools.  I have studied clay sculpture with Philippe Faraut  whose mastery of the human face was inspiring. Having admired the work of Henry Moore, I was fascinated to learn bronze casting and sculpture. An appreciation for Rodan, Anish Kapoor, Deborah Butterfield, Albert Paley and other metal artists led me to working in steel.  I try to display the innate properties that exist ,and have learned to allow my work to flow. Not trying to force a piece to fit my design but rather allow it to become what it wants to be...

My love of gemstones—especially Ruby—has endured and is evident in the pieces I have designed. There is something mysterious about the way light plays with these rare earth elements, I have had the privilege to travel extensively and to visit museums containing the works of the world's great artists and treasures. I especially enjoy the French impressionists, stone sculpture, architecture,  glass, bronze, enamel, gems,  jewelry, and photography. Being in nature is still my greatest joy and source of inspiration.

This site is dedicated to a refined eye and appreciation of the art, and a few artists I have selected to participate by sharing their works with you.